
Home Selected publications Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM) - 2013
Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM) - 2013 PDF Print E-mail
Na 20 międzynarodowej konferencji Computer Methods in Mechanics z Zakładu prezentowane były nastepujące referaty:
cmm2013-spCzarnecki S., Lewiński T., Reduction of the free material design and the variable thickness problems to the locking material setting, 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Short Papers. Editors: Łodygowski T., Rakowski  J.,Garbowski T.,  Sumelka W., Poznań 2013, pp. MS05-01-02,
Gilewski W., Kasprzak A., Tensegrity form-finding via modal analysis, 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Short Papers. Editors: Łodygowski T., Rakowski  J., Garbowski T.,  Sumelka W., Poznań 2013, pp. TS02-27-28,
Gilewski W., Pełczyński., On shear and membrane locking in isogeometric curved beam finite elements, 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Short Papers. Editors: Łodygowski T., Rakowski  J., Garbowski T.,  Sumelka W., Poznań 2013, pp. TS02-31-32,
Kacprzyk Z., Trybocki Z., Isogeometric plane stress analysis, 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Short Papers. Editors: Łodygowski T., Rakowski  J., Garbowski T.,  Sumelka W., Poznań 2013, pp. MS03-07-08,
Kacprzyk Z., Ostapska Z., Parametric modelling of space frame structures, 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Short Papers. Editors: Łodygowski T., Rakowski  J., Garbowski T.,  Sumelka W., Poznań 2013, pp. MS03-09-10,
Łukasiak T., Two-phase 2D/3D isotropic composites with prescribed bulk and shear moduli. The inverse homogenization problem, 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Short Papers. Editors: Łodygowski T., Rakowski  J., Garbowski T.,  Sumelka W., Poznań 2013, pp. MS05-15-16,
Sokół T., Multi-load truss topology optimization using the adaptive ground structure approach, 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Short Papers. Editors: Łodygowski T., Rakowski  J., Garbowski T.,  Sumelka W., Poznań 2013, pp. MS05-05-06.

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